Thursday, June 2, 2011


My time at Obras is over, for now. I will surely return. It is a bittersweet leave taking, as many are, because the joy of so many new friends and a strong feeling of accomplishment as well as just plain old reluctance to go. I have now dragged my monster suitcase to the Algarve for a few days of sun! There are tourists from many nations here, but mostly pasty Brits. I blend right in.

random pictures from my time at Obras:
beautiful Erika Dahlen in her studio. She is like the Girl with the Pearl Earring and a great painter from Stockholm, SwedenWe did a lot of cooking for big long delicious shared dinners. I made a crepe gâteau with quince paste.And one night we grilled lots of seafood, including sardines from Luis! This is what they mean when they say sardines in Portugal!My room

1 comment:

Katarzyna said...

Oh, such good photos, Strus'