Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thank you Irene

Turns out this Irene was a lady and left the party before too much damage was done. I put my baby car in storage and then it rained in my apartment a bit. All in all I am grateful, as I think we all are, that it wasn't as bad as it might have been. On the Upper West Side they were still queued up for brunch....surprise surprise. It's still New York after all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Wedding website!

Today I finished off a new home for my wedding work, I am pretty excited about it, so if you know anyone who is thinking of tying the knot, send them my way. I love weddings. I think all the different things that I work on contribute and inform each other in so many ways; it gets better and better all the time. It is all a part of the same story.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Age is beauty

Another portrait from a recent trip to Stonington to visit my friends. This lovely man made me miss my grandfather exceedingly. I think he is about 95.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Super Fast, Far From Furious

See my work in the Wall Street Journal today in an article about the Monticello Motor Club in Monticello, NY!
Here is one they didn't use.

Magical Tree

I wish I had noted the name of this incredible tree, but alas. It lives in the Jardin Bontanique in Marnay-sur-Seine, France which very sadly is closed to the public now because of lack of funding. I snuck in, well walked in, as the doors are not locked and the place is a revelation - truly breathtaking. The amount of care that went into making it is obvious. It felt like an enchanted kingdom. I hope to return.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

3 ladies

I had a shoot last week in Stonington, Connecticut with a friend whose father is writing a book about exercise over the age of 65. These ladies made my day.
This lady, Betty Jean, will be 96 in November

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today I shot a fun story for the Wall Street Journal, but I can't share that for a bit. But I can tell you I was in a car going 145mph today! I was not driving. This is a picture from another job, earlier in the week.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bepop and me, 1979 and a Reindeer

I was going through some more old photos. How many can there be? Millions, that's how many. How cute am I with my grandfather at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago? How sad does that poor reindeer look though? He has totally given up.But now let's turn our attention elsewhere. Was this normal in 1979 in a public place for guys? I mean, he is literally in a petting zoo.Oh Bepop, you are guilty as well...socks and flip-flops. SighAnd then, well, there is this.That was fun.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Working Life: Erika Dahlen

Another artist I had the great fortune to get to know at Obras in Evoramonte, Portugal is Erika Dahlen. She is an artist from Stockholm, Sweden and was joined at Obras by Henrik Sjöberg and their two beautiful sons. Erika works in several mediums, making installations and multi-media works but I was initially blown away by her paintings. They are quiet and focused but her work is about big issues.

I have discovered again, and again and again, that even though I went to these residencies to focus on my work and pull what is in my head out into the world through my images, that I end up learning so much more from the people around me. If you pay attention, you can see the world rushing up to meet you like waves at the beach.

This is Erika in her studio at Obras in May 2011.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Working Life: Annemie Bogaerts

I am incredibly fortunate to have been at Obras in Portugal at the same time as Annemie Bogaerts. She is a Dutch artist who makes incredible installations and graphic works. She changed the way I feel about installation based work. I photographed her for my ongoing project about work, called Working Life.

This is Annemie working on an installation at Obras in Evoramonte, Portugal in May 2011.