Wednesday, June 8, 2011

J'aime la pluie

I have begun my second Artist-in-Residence tenure of 2011, at the CAMAC Centre D'art in Marnay-sur-Seine, France. The gray skies and clouds and rain all agree with me, as do the cheese and wine, plus I think it will be 99 degrees F tomorrow in NYC. Yikes! The building I am staying in is literally 10 feet from the banks of the Seine, I could slip in and swim to Paris.

the small village of Marnay-sur-Seine in the rainLa Seinereeds in the riverEverywhere I go there are horses.


Claire said...

Ellie- this is so beautiful! You are one lucky girl. Miss you!!!

Gayle said...

These pictures...the Seine...the horses...the colors. Wow! Gorgeous shots.