Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Locks of Love, part deux

These guys look right on trend for Pride Week. I don't think it is Pride Week here in Paris, but I am still pretty proud of good 'ol New York for taking another leap forward for civil rights. This is in the Musee CarnavaletAlso the Carnavalet, a museum dedicated to the history of ParisBill touring me around, looking for birds to put on thingsThere are millions more locks of love than I remember from when I last visited Paris, and they mostly seemed from this year, which means the city must come and remove them so new lovers can make their mark. Is there a giant bin full of cut love-filled locks somewhere in Paris? Are there tough guy fish who wear necklaces made of keys in the Seine? I swam in the Seine over the weekend, but a long way from Paris, don't worry. It was wonderful.I especially like this heart lock.

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