Monday, July 4, 2011

Memento Mori

Paris is filled with the past, choking on it almost. Thankfully it all looks beautiful and those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it, so I guess it is mostly friendly reminders from the dead to make sure you live the life you want to live. That is how I see things anyway.

Wall of the cemetary at MontparnasseEver heard of these guys?Oh Serge you sexy beast, even in death he gets a lot of attention. You should walk past his house on rue de Verneuil in Paris, it is covered with graffiti.I went inside the Notre Dame for the first time the other day and was blown away. Someone in line behind me said "This place makes me wish I believed in God." I think that was their goal. You can feel the love and tremendous care that went into making this place by hundreds, maybe thousands of people more than 600 years ago. It took quite a beating during the Revolution from the people who "beheaded" mamy of the original statues but has survived, thankfully with the windows intact.

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