Sunday, November 21, 2010

This should happen to everyone

Today a colleague of Kim's proposed to his lucky girlfriend in Grand Central Station. He asked Kim to video the event and I came along to take pictures. The lady of the day, Sarah, apparently really likes Dirty Dancing, so Ronnie arranged for some dancers to do the dance to the song "I've Had the Time of My Life" and then he joined in as they were watching, seemingly just on an innocent stroll through the station. At the end of the song, he and the dancers got in a huddle and he came out with the ring in a box and got down on one knee. The entire hall cheered and clapped along with us. So sweet. So New York. Congratulations Sarah & Ronnie.I'm a romantic. No matter what happens, I believe in love.


Registered Nurse said...

all i can say is wow

Mom said...

This is the best New York story. I can just imagine the commuters watching this...what a thrill! The guy who set this up for his girlfriend is amazing!

Ronnie Lee said...

Thanks so much for the help. These photos came out amazing!