Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bonjour mes amies

inside St. Martin church in Marquise, Pas-de-Calais, for a wedding October 3

a stained glass window right above where I was sitting

horse in Peuplingues

view from the Pont Des Arts in Paris, looking toward the Institut de France

une ane dans le parc de George Brassens, en Paris. Yes I took all these with my iphone. I haven't found a place yet to process my raw files and the film will have to wait until I return, which I don't even want to think about right now. We are in the Pays Basque for a couple weeks, which is a magical place. The other night three small black wild horses slept on the yard.

1 comment:

melissa said...

iPhone camera rulz. Hope you are having a fabulous trip!